

博达论坛第445讲预告:Understanding how to conduct and publish research in Applied Linguistics/ELT

来源:应外学院 作者:编辑:时间:2019-05-05

主 题:Understanding how to conduct and publish research in Applied Linguistics/ELT


讲座内容: In this presentation, the speaker will discuss how to undertake this difficult endeavor based on his own experience both as an extensively published author and a seasoned frequent reviewer for over 20 different SSCI journals (also as a current or past member of the editorial boards of five different SSCI journals). Specifically, using concrete examples drawn from his own publishing and manuscript-reviewing experience, the speaker will describe and explain (i) the typical process involved in conducting and publishing, (ii) hot research topics, (iii) identification of the right target journals for your research, (iv) strategies that may assist one in finding appropriate topics and suitable target journals as well as in writing quality articles for the target journals, and (v) effective ways to respond to journal editors’ and reviewers’ comments and suggestions. While addressing these issues, the speaker will provide some useful tips for dealing with typical difficulty issues and pitfalls in the writing and reviewing process. If time allows, the speaker will also discuss and answer questions about using corpora for language teaching and research.

时 间:5月6日下午1:30

地 点:望院D131

主 办: 应用外语学院