Zhejiang International Studies University

Reform as locomotive and specialty as advantage

Meeting held for the work schedule of 2015 in ZISU


A meeting was held for defining the work schedule of 2015 in ZISU on March 6th. Those attending this meeting included the school leaders (Yao Chengrong, Hong Gang, Luo Bowei, Jin Yuncheng, ZhengYali, Lu Aihua, Zhao Qingrong, Cao Renqing, Shen Gang, Zhang Jiansheng, etc.),the newly-retired former school leaders, the leaders from various schools and departments, professors, directors of democratic parties, the members of the executive committee of the teachers’ conference as well as the committee of the trade union, and some representatives of the CPC. Yao Chengrong, secretary ofthe school party committee, presided the meeting.


At the meeting, Yao Chengrong defined the arrangements and requirements for the work to be completed in ZISU in 2015, in accordance with the new stage, the new features, the new trend, and the new requirement of the development of higher education in China. And then, president, Hong Gang, reviewed the work completed in 2014.


Yao Chengrong pointed out that 2015 is a critical year for the development of ZISU, a year in which comprehensive reform and management of ZISU in accordance with the law are to be pushed forward in an all-round manner, a year which will witness the completion of the 12th five-year plan, and a year when the 60th anniversary of ZISU is about to be celebrated. The overall requirements for the work to be done this year feature the following points: upholding the great banner of socialism with Chinese Characteristics, keeping guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of “three Represents”, and the scientific outlook on development, putting into effect the spirit of the third and the fourth plenary session of the 18th CPC National Congress, studying and following out intensively the spirit of theseries of important speeches by Xi Jinping, the secretary-general of CPC, studying earnestly and carrying out the spirit of the provincial meeting on higher education, implementing three great strategies of “branding, internationalizing and clustering” through insistence on the theme of development of specialties, on the main thread of the conversion of courses, and on the core task of the enhancement of quality, revolving around the fundamental task of cultivation of virtues and talents, deeming reform as locomotive and specialties as advantage, managing the school in accordance with the law, fulfilling the requirements of ruling the party strictly, thus paving the way for the establishment of an ordinary university with foreign languages as striking features and first-class education.


To complete the work scheduled for this year calls for the comprehensive knowledge and mastery of the new normality of the development of the higher education in China, and the correct interpretation and mastery of the overall requirements for the work to be done this year.


In accordance with the new characteristics of the new normality of the development of higher education in China and the current situation of the development and reform in ZISU, Yao Chengrong pointed out some new features reflected in the five years since this school succeeded in changing its name and its system: a stage in which the characteristics gradually came into being, a stage in which the developmental model in wake of the transformation was adjusted greatly, and a stage in which great difficulties were experienced and overcome. In the context of the new normality, ZISU ought to adhere to its characteristics and enhance its strategic force in order to promote reform and development. More attention should be paid to the substantial development so as to regard the improvement of the education quality as the core task and lifeline of ZISU; more attention should be paid to characteristic development so as to achieve considerably by not concentrating on everything; more attention should be paid to innovative development so as to constantly update the concept of development, renovate the system and the mechanism, and break through the traditional mode of running; more attention should be paid to the demand orientation so as to integrate itself into the locality, actively adapt to the great demand of economic and social development in Zhejiang Province, and actively serve national strategic demand.Yao Chengrong pointed out that in order to complete the work scheduled for this year, ZISU should focus on the following 6 main tasks and 9 key tasks:to strengthen the ideological guide in order to promote the overall development of morality education work. This is the fundamental task of universities. With the construction of environment culture as the key point, the plan ofc onstructing a beautiful campus must be implemented and great efforts ought to be made to hold a celebration of the 60th anniversary and a series of related activities, with a view to showcase the achievements ever made in the school history of 60 years and the achievements made in the five years since the transformation of system, to enhance the school profile, and to further integrate the wisdom and strength of all the staff members and all the former graduates. Besides, emphasis must be laid on the consolidation of advantageous characteristic in order to promote the substantial development. This is the key direction and the key field in the course of the development of ZISU. Great efforts must be made in the construction of the advantageous and characteristic majors by means of ensuring the development of the provincial advantageous and characteristic majors and four emerging characteristic specialties; priority is given to the promotion of the development of the advantageous and characteristic subjects so as to focusing on foreign languages as a defining characteristic and shape a subject as a famous brand. In addition, the comprehensive reform must be deepened and the innovative development must be promoted. This is the locomotive pushing forward the development of this school. Top-level design must be strengthened to promote institutional and mechanisms innovation. "Implementation Plan of Deepening the Comprehensive Reform in ZISU” must be studied and formulated so as to define the goal, the path, the task and the time schedule of reform. Surveys must be conducted inorder to draw up the first draft of the 13th five-year plan, which embodies the spirit of reform and innovation, and at the same time, research must be carriedo ut on major issues concerning the school reform and development. Furthermore,the conception and practice of running the school according to law must be enhanced so as to establish and improve the system of modern higher education.This is the lawful and institutional guarantee for further development of this school. To this end, construction must be promoted in the compilation, the revision and the approval of the school regulations. The exposition, propaganda, education, and guidance in relation to the school regulations must be  organized and carried out in order to strengthen the school staff’s and students’ consciousness and execution of complying with the regulations and deal with everything in accordance with the law. Moreover, the school conditions must be substantially improved in order to strengthen the service and support capability. This is the service guarantee for the promotion of school development. The construction of the new campus must be comprehensively promoted and the replacement and the relocation of the campus with Hangzhou Foreign Languages School must be completed. Last but not least, the strict requirements must be implemented concerning the ruling of the party so as to earnestly strengthen the construction of the party. This is the political organization guarantee for the promotion of the development of the school.


In order to ensure the smooth completion of the focus of work this year, Yao Chengrong put forth some requirements in terms of strengthening the leadership and promoting the implementation of the work, stressing the need to advocate hard work and pay close attention to implementation, to the effect that leaders at all levels must fully realize that implementation is the lifeline for all the work at hand, which calls for the implementation of of effective mechanism, detailed division of labor, clear responsibility, initiative to look for a job, courage to play, and holding onto the end. The head of each unit or department is mainly responsible for the details and detailed management. The supervision mechanism must be improved so as to ensure strict liability assessment. Yao Chengrong stressed that we must work in unision in a practical manner in order to spare no efforts to fully complete the annual tasks, so as to lay a solid foundation for the realization of the first step of the three-step strategic goal of this school and make our due contribution to give a facility to the realization of a province featuring "richness in two aspects" and "beauty in two respects".


Hong Gang reviewed the work finished in 2014. This year, ZISU realized satisfactorily the work target set at the beginning of the year under the correct leadership of the provincial governmentand with the concern and support of the superior departments, so that various undertakings have been steadily pushed forward, thus laying a solid foundation for the implementation of the first party congress spirit and the perfect realization of the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan". Guided by the core values of socialism, ideological and political work has been further strengthened: theoretical work has been further strengthened, propaganda and ideological work has made new breakthroughs, morality education work has taken new initiatives, the structure of cadres has been further optimized, the construction of grass-roots party organizations has been promoted steadily, the working style has been changed and the improvement of efficiency has been realized. The internationalization of education has been vigorously promoted so that new achievements have been made in the improvement of the quality of the cultivation of talents and in the promotion of characteristic development: the talent-cultivating feature gradually emerged, the progress of discipline construction and research work went on orderly, the internationalization level of teachers was significantly enhanced, international exchanges and cooperationwas continuously expanded, and the social service work achieved a sound development. The comprehensive reform of the school was actively promoted so that school vitality has been forcefully aroused: the system of personnel system has been further improved, the construction of modern university system has been gradually improved. The school conditions have been further improved so as to improve the service guarantee ability: the construction of new campus has been promoted in a comprehensive manner, the school resources conditions have been further improved, and a harmonious and stable campus has been guaranteed.