Zhejiang International Studies University

“Beautiful Soul” - The Third Psychological Culture Festival Held

In order to further improve the specialization of psychological counseling staff of ZISU, guide teachers and students to enhance their awareness of mental health, and promote students’ growth and success as well as the building of “beautiful ZISU”, the third psychological culture festival was officially opened recently, which is hosted by psychological education center of Department of Students Affairs and undertaken by psychological workstation of each school.

As an important part of the psychological culture festival, training of psychological knowledge and skills for teachers was started in advance earlier this month. The lecture “Application of counseling technology in communication with students” delivered by Professor Gao Yabing of School of Educational Sciences commenced this series of training.


Combining with abundant cases, Gao Yabing presented the wonderful effect of applying psychological counseling theory and technology in daily students affairs for all student instructors. In addition, psychological education center also invited Mao Hongjing, director of Psychological Department of NO.7 People’s hospital of Hangzhou to give a seminar on psychological crisis cases and to give an on-site technological instruction on psychological crisis cases existed in ZISU.


It is reported that from May each school will hold a variety of mental health education activities according to their own characteristics, such as “colorful youth” psychodrama competition, psychological picture exhibition, psychological knowledge contest, psychological movie appreciation and psychological book reading, which all aims at creating a healthy, positive and optimistic campus psychological culture.