Zhejiang International Studies University

Poetry——The Show of the Soul

The 1stst “Chant for the beauty of ZISU” Chinese and foreign languages poetry creation competition awarding and sharing ceremony was held in the Bo Zhou cultural exchange hall at Xiaoheshan Campus on Jan 4thth. The first prize winners performed and shared their works accompanied by fragrance of coffee and rhythm of guzheng tune, thus all the teachers and students present felt the beauty and flavor of poetry. Deputy Party secretary Zhao Fa highly praised students’ poetry creation and translation level and shared his understanding of poetry. He encouraged students to read more poetry, write poetry in a good and productive way, and to become the inheritors of human civilization and excellent culture.

It is reported that this competition aimed at inheriting Chinese and foreign excellent culture, flourishing campus poetry creation, practicing language applied skills, enhancing Chinese and foreign language level. This activity encourages originality, combined with class teaching and the construction of “beautiful ZISU” cultural campus, and attracted the participation of all ZISU students who loved poetry. This competition set four groups as foreign languages originality, Chinese originality, foreign languages translation and Chinese translation, and received 84 works from which 24 works were awarded.